Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dragon Nest Sea Unable to Load Patch Config List| Dragon Nest Sea Forum

Dragon Nest Sea Unable to Load Patch Config List| Dragon Nest Sea Forum

Dragon Nest is a F2P(Free to Play) MMORPG with "Asian Graphics" as some people like to call it. Dragon Nest has many hosts, one for example (many people may already quit for this one, but here I go..)Nexon America, Nexon Korea, SDO (Chinese), The Taiwanese and Japanese hosts (I'm sadly unaware of their names) The movement controls are like any other MMO, but Dragon Nest is only so different from many other 

Dragon Nest Sea Unable to Load Patch Config List| Dragon Nest Sea Forum

MMO's because of its combat system. Most games target mobs and you just stand there pressing buttons to activate skill without moving at all. But Dragon Nest is an action MMO whereas instead of targeting mobs you have an actual X on the UI as a targeter and you attack, so you don't click a monster and press 1234, but instead you have to go to the monster and attack it with you skill (It's rather confusing to explain but bare with me. Look at the media section for a much, much, much easier way of understand the combat system.) and to use regular attacks youclick. 

Skills are the same though, 1234 to use skills but you have to have your X (Targeter) somewhat on the mob to be able to hit them, or your attack will probably just miss. 


ChineseDN(No IP block) -- Currently in official release (lv cap 50)
JapaneseDN(No IP block) -- Currently in official release (lv cap 50)
TaiwaneseDN(No IP block) -- Currently in official release (lv cap 50)
KoreanDN(No IP block) -- Currently in official release (lv cap 50)
NorthAmericaDN(IP Blocked for all countries except US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand[After a long time..]) -- CBT was June 15th to June 19th (lv cap 16) OBT starting July 26th and ending August 9th. (lvl cap going to be 24 cap 16) Oben beta starting
SeaDN(No IP block) -- CBT was July 13th to July 19th (lv cap 24) OBT date not announced but estimated to be late August.
EuDN is not yet created, so europeans have to stick with SeaDN or any of the other servers. Note that there ARE english patches to translate
the clients, the english is definetely not the best, but it's somewhat understandable. There's thousands of fluent english speakers in cDN though, and many english guilds. If you're stuck on a server to choose while waiting for the Sea OBT or the NA OBT I definetely recommend cDN for a bigger english-speaking population with guilds that help you throughout the game. 

During the Open Beta period from August 16 - 22, you can receive 500 DN Points each day by simply logining to the game. DN Points can be used to buy premium items in the Cash Shop. Take a look at the Cash Shop here and get ready for a shopping.
There are also some cool incentives for your leveling. Each time you level up, you will not only enjoy becoming stronger and unlocking new ability, but only can get various supplies. From level 2 to level 24, you will be granted certain items, potions, scrolls, and outfits with time limit, etc. Check out the official forum page to see what you can get at each level. 

Dragon Nest Sea Unable to Load Patch Config List| Dragon Nest Sea Forum

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