Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cheating Pregnant as The School Project.

Cheating Pregnant as The School Project.

YAKIMA, Washington - Having endured life as a high school student with the content grows, Gaby Rodriguez finally confessed surprise - he actually did not get pregnant.

Rodriguez, 17, make the disclosure this week while attending the morning assembly at Toppenish High School here after teachers and schoolmates thought he was six months of pregnant with an illegitimate child.

The student who got A in all subjects rather telling, he pretended woman to complete the project last year, titled: Stereotypes, Rumours and Statistics.

As evidence he says is true, Rodriguez issued a pillow tied up with wires on his stomach in front of other students.

Subsequently, he was told, the social studies were kept secret and only known by one of her friends, her mother, her boyfriend and the school principal and a few others.

"I want to throw pillows and can no longer continue," he told the Yakima Herald-Republic newspaper revealed the news after that.

After Rodriguez remove 'false belly', many of the school's 700 students, was initially shocked, but then they got to give him applause.

Commenting on the actions of students, school principals, Trevor Green said Rodriguez should be commended for its commitment to continue the project.

"He was killed last year just to know how he felt being a mother at the age of adolescence. I admire his courage," said the principal.

The story of these students received extensive coverage in the U.S. with Rodriguez was invited to a popular morning talk program, Today yesterday to tell his experience. - Agencies

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