Tuesday, October 29, 2013

News for X Men Days Of Future Past Showing - Singapore

X Men Days Of Future Past Showing

News for X Men Days Of Future Past Showing

X Men Days Of Future Past Showing Release date: May 23, 2014 (USA), (Singapore) "I don't want your suffering! I don't want your future!" Ever since we saw footage from Comic-Con, we've been waiting to see the first trailer for Bryan Singer's return to the X-Men franchise in the form of X-Men: Days of Future Past. With the cast of the original X-Men franchise and the new series X-Men: First Class coming together for this film, it looks like it will undoubtedly be the biggest X-Men film to date. This is pretty much exactly what we saw at Comic-Con, including the use of that The Thin Red Line track, but with some new shots we didn't see in San Diego. Next summer needs to be here now. Watch it below! via http://www.firstshowing.net/


ComicBook.com grabbed a few shots of the four new revealed we were able to get a clear look at in the new trailer, and will offer them here with commentary for the uninitiated.


 In the comics, Bishop comes from a future where the world has been torn apart by a war that pitted humanity and mutantkind against an overwhelming force of Sentinels. He (and later his sister, Shard) is sent back in time by an ancient mutant called The Witness (that future’s version of Gambit) to prevent an unknown team member from kicking off the whole process by betraying the X-Men. His backstory got increasingly more complicated over time, especially because there were so many false starts where it seemed as though the traitor had been revealed and eventually that aspect of Bishop’s character–originally his driving motivation–became less significant. He’s got the ability to absorb and redirect energy, making him a very useful agent against the energy-firing Sentinels. It looks from what little we’ve seen in the trailer as though Bishop’s future may be folded into the story of Days of Future Past, a story in which he wasn’t featured because he wouldn’t be created for another ten years.


 An unstable mutant with the ability to teleport, she’s basically got the powers covered that Nightcrawler–who didn’t show this time out, even though Alan Cumming may have been willing–provided in the past. She’s also a fan-favorite character; in her original incarnation, she was introduced in “The Phalanx Covenant” and died almost immediately, but after one of her co-creators made her a big part of they fan-favorite alternate-universe story “The Age of Apocalypse,” Blink became popular enough that a version of her was later added to the dimension-hopping mutant super-team in Exiles. Again, while she’s got a time-travel/alternate reality background that serves the plot well, Blink didn’t appear in the original Days of Future.

Past comic book story since she hadn’t been created yet. Created two years after the original Days of Future Past storyline, Roberto Da Costa became a member of the New Mutants and later X-Force. With solar-based powers, including flight and the ability to fire solar blasts, Sunspot is mostly notable for the cool visual effect that they gave him for most of his career, where he looked completely black except his eyes and mouth, perhaps because he was absorbing all the light energy in his immediate area. He was an important player in the storyline “Days of Future Now,” in which he was the leader of a team of mutants called Gene Nation.

 20th Century Fox releases the first trailer for "X-Men: Days of Future Past" out next year.

News for X Men Days Of Future Past Showing

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